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Documentation VISION (VAPI)

Dernière mise à jour : 07/04/18



Interface prefix Co
Number of functions 3
Description Set of functions giving access to VISION.'s configuration (paths, languages,...)


Prototype char* cdecl CoGetLDVPath(void)
Parameters None
Return A pointer to string holding LDV path
Description Used to know what is LDV path. Enables the LDV to load a file from there (e.g. LOD, INI). This path is passed as a parameter to GetParams function (optional).
Remarks VAPI returns a pointer to VISION.'x configuration. You shall NOT change data from this pointer; make your own copy if you need !
VAPI Version 1.02 or more


Prototype char* cdecl CoGetCurrentLanguage(void)
Parameters None
Return A pointer to string holding VISION.''s current language
Description Used to know which language is currently used. Use with CoGetLDVPath, you can locate the INI file for this LDV, just concatenate both strings.
Remarks VAPI returns a pointer to VISION.'x configuration. You shall NOT change data from this pointer; make your own copy if you need !
VAPI Version 1.02 or more

Prototype unsigned long cdecl CoGetFunctionOptimizations(void *function)
Parameters Pointer to VAPI function for which you'd like to know if some optimization is available
Return A 32bit word which following bit meaning:
Bit 0 set  This function is 68030 optimized
Bit 1 set : This function is DSP 56001 optimzed
Description Used to know if a function has specific processor optimzations to let the progress window know about this (see Progress Interface : PrOptimize). Not that useful but so sexy !
Remarks If the machine running this call has no 68030 or DSP support, this call won"t return any optimization, which is pretty logical as it won"t be used even if exisitng.
VAPI Version 1.03 or more

Prototype unsigned long cdecl CoGetProcessors(void)
Parameters Requests VISION what are the available processors
Return A 32bit word which following bit meaning:
0x02 : A 68030 or better is present
0x20 : A FPU (68881 or better) is present
0x200: A DSP 56001 is present
Description Used to prepeare LDV to select appropriae routines depending on processors availability
Remarks The returned value may be filtered out by VISION if VISION.INI says so in Hide030, HideFPU or HideDSP variables set to 1. Very useful to simulate LDV run on a lower configuration.
VAPI Version 1.04 or more

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Documentation VISION (VAPI)

Dernière mise à jour : 07/04/18