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Documentation VISION (VAPI)

Last update : 08/26/18



Interface Prefix Lo
Nomber of functions 2
Description Set of  functions enabling logging from LDV


Prototype long cdecl LoDoLog(unsigned long level, char* format, ...)
Parameters level: bitmask defining the logging level of the message:: LL_FATAL, LL_ERROR, LL_WARNING, LL_INFO, LL_PERF, LL_MEM, LL_GW2, LL_GW1, LL_DEBUG, LL_KCODE, LL_TMP2, LL_TMP1
format: format string for parameters passed after (just like sprintf)
...: dynamic list of parameters to pass (cf. 'C' ellipsis)
Return Number of bytes written to logging file
Description Used to send information to VISION's logging file; typically for debugging, performance or error
Note that if level parameter does not match current VISION''s logging level bitmask, this function will simply return without even starting formatting data (which may have been CPU consuming)
Remarks Example:
Vapi->LoDoLog(LL_DEBUG, "%ld pixels computed or deduced", np) ;
VAPI Version 1.04 or more


Prototype unsigned long cdecl LoGetLogLevel(void)
Parameters None
Return The bitmask logging level currently used by VISION
Description Used to know what is the current VISION's logging level in order to not proceed to some useless computation for some message which won't be logged anyway
Remarks Use this function only if you may have extra computation before calling LoDoLog as LoDoLog will return immediatly if logging level does not match loggng level message.
VAPI Version 1.04 or more


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Documentation VISION (VAPI)