VISION allows to display an image at different scales, to better see the details. Available enlarging factors are:
When using a zoom factor, in addition to having less tools available, moving in an image is slower, either with the sliders or with the moving area, because the zoom is computed for each view.
The image is displayed on the full usable screen surface without menu or window, and in real size (1 pixel = 1 image point). If the image is larger than the screen, it is possible to browse through it with the cursor keys. Pressing simultaneously the Shift key allows to move faster. Pressing another key or a mouse click allows to go back to the previous GEM environment. This display mode does not allow to work on the image.
The full image is displayed on the full usable screen without menu or window. If necessary, VISION will reduce or enlarge the image, so that the full image is visible. A key press or a mouse click allows to go back to the previous GEM environment. This display mode does not allow to work on the image.