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VISION Documentation

Last update: 10/09/00

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Available since version 4.0, the images browser aim is to be able to see quickly the content of images in a directory (a little a la ACDSee under Windows). When VISION starts, the new window of the images browser appears:

From left to right, the icons have the following functions:

Icon Function
Loading an image A click on this button allows to select an image and to load the list of images in this folder. The following buttons (except Print) are only valid when a folder has been loaded.
Previous image Allows to display the previous image (key <-, Shift + <-: first image in the folder)
Next image Allows to display the next image (key ->, Shift + ->: last image in the folder)
Edit Opens a new VISION window, to allow editing the image
Print Launch the dialogue allowing to print the image (or a selection in an image)
Delete Deletes the image file on the disk
Size selection Allows to modify the size of the image. Initially set on "Auto" (displays 100% if possible or in reduction to display the whole image).

During an image loading, it is possible to press keys <-- or --> to cancel this loading and go to next.
If the display area is too small compared to the image to be displayed and the requested size, it is possible to move inside this image by pressing the left mouse button and moving the mouse.

When an image has been loaded, it is displayed like that:

As soon as an image has been loaded, its number in the folder (14) and the total number of images in this folder (43) are displayed.

During the loading of the image, the percentage of work done apears above this last field.

Try the images browser! You will not be able to live without it!


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VISION Documentation

Last update: 10/09/00

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